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Lukning af HardwareTidende (stand-by på ubestemt tid) (341)
(2004-11-30 23:59:59)

Half-Life 2 - årets spil 2004 (100)
(2004-11-30 23:58:49)

Specifikationer på ATi Radeon R480 (Radeon X850) (39)
(2004-11-30 23:15:03)

Betydning af ramtimings, FSB og taktfrekvenser (64)
(2004-11-30 22:54:53)

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - tidlige billeder fra fortsættelsen til Morrowind (33)
(2004-11-30 22:51:58)

Hovedtelefoner med surround sound - introduktion og test (221)
(2004-11-30 21:03:22)

Test af 45 cpukølere til Athlon XP (socket A/462) (56)
(2004-11-30 20:33:15)

Bundkort til Athlon 64 - ATi Radeon Xpress 200 mod Nvidia nForce4 Ultra og VIA K8T800 Pro (21)
(2004-11-30 19:38:15)

Omfattende test af Athlon 64 cpu'er til socket 939 (120)
(2004-11-30 19:30:02)

Test af 5 bundkort til socket 939 (nForce3 Ultra mod K8T800 Pro) (90)
(2004-11-30 19:23:37)

DOOM3 på GeForce3 (15)
(2004-11-30 17:38:17)

Maj 2000 grafikkort-test (2)
(2004-11-30 15:23:46)

Guide til LCD-skærme (fladskærme) (290)
(2004-11-30 00:46:39)

Støjmålinger på 6 mellemklasse og high-end grafikkort (54)
(2004-11-30 00:01:19)

Test af stort antal grafikkort i 1600x1200 (juni 2004) (76)
(2004-11-29 18:35:19)

Ekstrem ydelse med grafikkort - første resultater med Nvidia SLI (95)
(2004-11-29 15:36:13)

Athlon 64 4000+ og Athlon 64 FX-55 mod Intels hurtigste cpu'er (56)
(2004-11-28 15:10:20)

Drivere til ATi grafikkort - Catalyst 4,8 mod 4,7 (44)
(2004-11-27 00:37:49)

Test af 12 forskellige bundkort med i925X eller i915 chipsæt - hvilke er bedst? (28)
(2004-11-25 22:22:53)

Test af ydelse i Half-life 2: High-end grafikkort og cpu'er (79)
(2004-11-25 22:21:44)

Info om 3dfx rampage
Grafikkort af Webmaster Sunday den 13 August 2000 kl. 01:06 [ Grafikkort ]
Hmmmm, jeg fandt lige lidt Info om 3dfx Rampage, som teoretisk set udkommer til december (mine fremhævelser med fed):


0,18um productive process
Scalability similar to VSA 100
4 pipelines with 1pixel/1texel
200-250MHZ core clock
All the VSA 100 features plus:
Advanced T-buffer ( probably the ability to perform 8 samples effects)
All the pixel shading functions supported by DX8.0
Hardware higher order surfaces or curved surfaces
Photorealisitic rendering
New texture combine modes
Ability to do the quadtexturing
200 MHZ DDR memory
Nothing more is known about the rumored voxel unit and the supposed improved version of the FXT1 texture compression.
Nothing also about the Photoshop effects in hardware.
Features of the T&L unit ( supposed Sage):
Very little in known about this except that it will be handle 75 million polygons and up to 25 lighing surces in hardware.
Obviously also the T&L unit will be SCALABLE such as the Rampage.

Configurations and scalability:
Also this new generation from 3dfx will be a multi chip solution. There are three possible configurations:

Entry level 3DFX RAMPAGE configuration
Composed by 1 chip Rampage and 1 T&L unit.As you see the minimum is 2 chips.
800Mpixel fill rate ( core clock at 200MHZ)
75 millions of polygons
6,4GB/sec memory bandwith

Middle level 3DFX RAMPAGE configuration
with 2 Rampage and 2 T&L unit . 4 chips at all.
1,6Gigpixel fill rate ( core clock at 200MHZ)
150 millions of polygons
12,8Gb/sec memory bandwith

High-end 3DFX RAMPAGE configuration
(similar to the actual V5 6000) with 4 Rampage chips e 4 T&L unit.
8 chips at all for amzing specs!!....
3,2Gigapixels fill rate ( core clock at 200MHZ)
(GF2 kan klare 0,8 - GF3 estimeres til 1,6) 300 millions polygons (GF2 kan klare 25 mill., GF3 kan klare 60 mill.)
25,6GB/sec memory bandwith (GF2 kan klare 5,3)
The chip will be officially announced at ECTS in September. According to 3dfx it should be available in December ( if everything goes for better...)

HVIS ovenstående passer, SÅ vil high-end kortet med 4 Rampage chips vel være et monster uden lige og et kort, hvis levetid nok vil ækvivalere voodoo1 og voodoo2 SLI..... meeeeeen nu må vi vel lige klappe hesten, så der ikke går alt for megen ild i piben...

Kilde: (leaked 3dfx specs - italiensk 3dfx-site)

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